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Loan Periods & Fines

Loan Periods:

Patrons are allowed to take out an accumulative total of thirty (30) items. The makeup of this selection cannot be more than ten (10) magazines or five (5) DVDs.

A renewal request is not permitted for a book, magazine or DVD if it has a hold on it by another patron.

Books, Audiobooks, and CDs

Books of both fiction and non-fiction have a loan period of three (3) weeks with a maximum of two (2) renewals.


Magazines have a loan period of one (1) week and can not be renewed.


DVDs and TV series have a loan period of one (1) week. There is a charge of $1.50 per week loan, so if a patron requests a renewal via email or telephone, a note is made to pay the addition fine for another $1.50

Reference Material and Newspapers

Reference Material and Newspapers are to be viewed within the library only.

Interlibrary Loans

Interlibrary Loans have different due dates depending of which library they are being borrowed from. You are able to potentially renew the book one (1) time, so please call in to the library to request a renewal before the due date.

Privacy of Borrowing Records

In accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation, the library does not release personal information about borrowers including information about items on loan.


Patrons are given three (3) days grace before fines accrue.

Borrowing privileges will be suspended when fines or fees for lost or damaged books equal or exceed the amount of $5.00. A patron may resume privileges once the fine or fees are paid. Fines are to be paid by cash or cheques.

Late Fees

Item Fine
Audio Books, Books, Magazines 25 cents/day up to a maximum of $5.00 per item
DVDs and DVD series $1.00/day up to a maximum of $10.00 per item

Notification of Overdues, Fines and Other Charges

  • Staff notifies patrons at the time of checking out books if they have an overdue books or outstanding fines.

Replacement Cost for Lost, Damaged or Missing Items

Damage to or loss of material must be reported to the library. The borrower is responsible for the cost of the replacement.