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Category: My Library


The start of the 2020/2021 school year looks vastly different from previous years, with many health and safety measures in place to slow the spread of the covid-19 virus. Even

Week 1

  Craft Kit Pages Snack Instructions Colouring Pages Activity Pages

Makers Drop-in

Makers Drop-in is a wonderful program for the adults! Join us every Thursday evening from 6 – 8 pm for Makers Drop-in!  Bring along your hand crafting projects and join

Recommended Reading

NoveList – reading recommendations from libraries (you’ll need your library card # to sign in) New Items at the Library Better Than Therapy Book Club Book Reviews & Best Sellers


Acrylic Landscape Painting for Older Adults Better Than Therapy Book Club Springfield Connections Steppin’ Up My Account

My Library

Find out more about what our library has to offer to Kids, Teens and Adults.

Recommended Reading

Children Recommended Reading Better than Therapy Bookclub  Book Reviews and Best Sellers GoodReads Fantastic Fiction Novelist Olmenta Staff Recommendations Teen Recommended Reading What Should I Read Next? Which Book


Recommended Reading Research & Homework Help My Account


Check out our programs and resources for kids: Activity Bag Program Connect & Learn with Sunrise Hanen Book Nook Packets Story Time TD Summer Reading Club Recommended Reading for Kids