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Fill The Tree!

Stop by the library and colour in a paper ornament to help decorate our paper tree!

Mystical PD Day

Stop by the library on Nov. 22 from 11 am - 4 pm to partake in our Mystical Creature Day! There will be: - Drop-in Crafts - Mystical Scavenger Hunt […]

Candy Cane Hunt

When you stop off at the library, ask for a scavenger hunt page and then look around the library for 12 candy canes! Once found, return the sheet to the […]

Craft Drop-in

Stop by the library December 6th from 11am - 4pm and decorate some fun holiday/winter themed crafts!

Amnesty Days

Stop by the library or give us a call from Dec. 10 - 21, and we will waive all overdue fines. *This does not include DVD fees, lost book fines, or printing costs.