Book Bag Painting
Sign up for this program! Choose the time slot of 11 am - 12 pm /or/ 1 pm - 2 pm. You will receive a tote bag that you can paint and take home. There are only 15 children per time slot, so be sure to sign up asap!
I Love….
Stop by the library and grab a paper heart from the front counter or in the children's area. Draw or write about something/someone you love on these hearts. Ask a librarian to help you put the heart on the tree in the children's area or if they can put it in the display up front.
Adopt a Reading Buddy
Stop by the library and ask the librarian to see the "Adoption Centre." Pick out a new buddy, give them a name and take them home! Keep your buddy entertained by reading to them for at least 5 minutes a day.
Valentines Day Crafts
Drop in between 11 am -4 pm to make some fun heart-themed crafts!